Fanboy Slaughter

CRank: 5Score: 17030

exactly, no one seems to wanna speak up on the fact that, in most cases, the thief gets caught, but by the time they get caught, the stolen property is already in the hands of some crack dealer, who in turn quickly launders it to the closest pawn shop, never to be seen by it's owner again. Who then in turn had to use more HARD-EARNED money to buy a new item.

Calling our justice system an atrocity would be the understatement of the millenium.

5926d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the exact kind of crappy attitude that keeps fueling crime, people get more brazen because they know that for any crime they'll get fed, clothed, and a rent-free bed for a few months.

In Texas, this wouldn't even had been an issue because of the greatest law in the US, it's called the Castle Law, and it enables you to use deadly force against ANY intruder, it's the risk they take for trying to steal sh!t that YOU worked for to get.

Granted, it was only an...

5926d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Voiceofreason, it's not the remote itself, it's the way it's held, I don't have the zapper accessory so I hold it in the normal TV remote fashion, with the majority of my hand under the remote. And you lose bubbles for being a snide jackass as opposed to a Wii fangirl. I have every right to hate that glorified Gamecube.

5927d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you think Halo 3 is a testament to the 360's power, then you got some serious eye issues.

Even 360 fanboys have submitted to the fact that Halo is hardly a graphics powerhouse with it's 640p and bland environments. Yeah, gameplay is fine and good, but once again, the immature personality of your average XBL player rears it's ugly head in the form of what you just said.

If you said Gears of War, my reply may not have been as snide, but Halo 3 as a graphics thr...

5927d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

because in this article, the specs were called into question, and I used the said specs to call out the article's bullsh!t.

And besides, the system specs (GPU and CPU) are the vital organs of how the games perform. The specs have EVERYTHING to do with this.

Not to mention, to find so-called "better" textures, you'd have to look at every frame in all of those games with an electron microscope.

Not to mention some of those games you listed...

5927d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I took these polygon count specs from Wikipedia

The PS3 RSX: Minimum (WORST CASE) polygon count: 333.3 million polygons per second ( 1 billion vertices per second / 3 vertices per triangle)
Maximum (optimistic case) polygon count: 800 million and more depending on how many triangle strips are used in a game.

The 360 Xenos: MAXIMUM polygon count: 500 million triangles per second[3] (1.5 Billion vertices / 3 vertices per triangle)

There was...

5927d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

a 360 fanboy talking about failures?! HA HA HA!! yeah, okay, tell that to your RROD and you totally awesome NON-working port of Bully, a PS2 game!

5927d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thanks to you (Ghoul) and Avto for the lesson in Graphics, bubbles to both of you.

5927d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had been saying this for a couple weeks now, but you people are just now starting to listen.

To all of you who bashed the game like crazy before this article, you probably don't deserve to play this game, because Ed Boon confirmed fatalities a while ago in a Gamespot interview.

5927d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

More bullsh!t from the UK press

They make it seem like the PSP was the only thing they were after, but they also stole a laptop.

Those are pretty common items for ANY robbery, I mean, here in the US, you get shot and killed for wearing a wrong color shirt.

I used to trust the UK media over the sensationalist American super-tard media, but now the UK papers are getting worse.

5927d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seriously, I hate my Wii.

I bought it (and Wii Fit) for my wife because she begged me to get it for her, (not to mention I was curious about this little white box that's trouncing the other two systems).

After 3 weeks and a layer of dust later, I'm pissed. The Wii doesn't even deserve to sell for $249, given that it's little (and more fun) brother the gamecube is better by leaps and bounds. I actually only have 3 Wii games and like 15 Gamecube games, and every ...

5927d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Blu-ray won because of corporate support, marketing and good timing with the start of widespread adoption of HD sets. All the ingredients that make a successful product.

And please remove William Murderface from your avatar, he deserves better.

5927d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've been saying this for like, a year.

Yet, a lot of people also like to say that had the 360 had an HD-DVD drive for it's games and for movies, HD-DVD would've trounced Blu-ray, which simply isn't true.

If the 360 had included an HD-DVD drive, the launch price would've been $1000 in '05, and even THAT price would've operated at a loss for at least six months. By the time the PS3 had released, an HD-DVD enabled 360 would've JUST started to hit the $600 mark, an...

5927d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hudson? You mean the developer of Mario Party games #1 - 1,163?!

Yeah, Hudson hasn't made a decent game since Adventure Island.

5927d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've been on the Beta from day one, and I'll even admit that unless they do a +5 overhaul on Home, it's gonna fall flatter than the Lair launch under a steamroller.

5927d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Simply put, the 360 WILL NEVER do well in Japan. Between it's hardware issues and the arrogance required to tolerate such an immature and ignorant community (play ONE round of Halo 3 on XBL and I dare you to argue that), the Japanese won't stoop that low.

Japanese by culture alone are polite, humble and respectful to one another. Name one thing about an Xbox 360 that's humble, polite or respectful. On XBL, polite and respectful are four-letter words.

And Japan...

5927d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The flash player isn't any better now than it was a year ago.

It plays YouTube, and that's about it.

It also plays anything from that's more than a year or two old. I tried enjoying Retarded Animal Babies in Hi-Def glory through my PS3, only to find that episodes that are newer than 2 years old don't work. I think PS3 has Flash 7, which it needs to be SORELY upgraded.

Other than that, the browser's not half bad, kinda nice to see W...

5927d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is going to be the latest casuality in bad VG movies. Becuase Sylvain White is directing it and Paul "game raper" Anderson wrote it. For those of you wondering about Sylvain White, he's the cinematic mastermind behind the smash hits "Stomp the Yard", and who could forget the straight-to-DVD "I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer"

Castlevania is doomed, to say the least.

5927d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously, if you can't wrap your mind around that then it's probably better you don't understand it then.

5928d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

hey Siqness, what was you old s/n before it joined the ranks of the one-bubble brigade?

5928d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment